Wednesday 20 April 2016


Bangkok, Thailand, March 6, 2016 – AVC Press Committee members expressed in their historic meeting satisfaction over the eye-catching AVC website design, upbeat that the full coverage of tournaments with live matches across the region will help the popularity of the Asian volleyball soar to new heights.
A newly-formed AVC Press Committee, chaired by Mr Preechachan Wiriyanupappong, assembled at Dusit Princess Srinakharin Hotel in Bangkok for their first meeting, with AVC President Dr Saleh A. Bin Nasser, FIVB and AVC Honorary Life President Mr Wei Jizhong and AVC Executive Vice President Mr Essa Hamza jointly presiding over the opening of the meeting. Also in attendance as the guest of honour was AVC Secretary-General Mr Shanrit Wongprasert.
In his opening speech, AVC President Dr Saleh A. Bin Nasser said, “Volleyball in Asia is a lovely game, safe game, no problems, no contact and no violence compared with some other sports. AVC is the biggest Confederation with 65 country members. Without the media and the AVC Press Committee members, we cannot showcase the world our ability in volleyball. I think you know how important the media people are. They have to do good work much harder because we are competing for popularity with the other sports.”
Mr Wei Jizhong has asked the media people to switch from “journalists” to “editors” and have to think the way the editors do. Editors can edit stories and make decision to change. So, FIVB and AVC really need the people like editors, not journalists.
“You have to study the difference and relationship between traditional media and new media. I purpose you to study carefully between the two medias, provide information or stories when the press reports cannot get them by themselves. The media people should work with the new idea. At the same time. AVC website is attraction to promote our volleyball and the pages on the website should be renewed nearly everyday,” Mr Wei suggested.
Mr Essa Hamza also praised the new-look AVC website, saying that it has more high quality than the previous one. He added that there is a big difference between the old website and the new one. However, to upgrade the AVC website, the Press Committee members have been asked to offer kind cooperation to help keep the information on the website up-to-date.
Among the main topics discussed in the meeting, the Press Committee members suggested that to  promote the sport in social media platforms, the media people get involved with players and impressive activities or circumstances occasionally occurred. The organisers should also provide live matches in order that audience across the region can pay more attention to those tournaments. It will help promote volleyball among people from all walks of live.
Iranian Maryam Hessaby, one of the Press Committee members, viewed optimistically that a press delegate from Asia should be able to get involved in covering any FIVB tournament to be held in Asia, while Australian Ross Solly suggested that a good source of achieves be provided in the AVC website to alleviate difficulties in searching for old stories and information as well as competition photos from the past events.
Korean Bog Ja Jeoung said that it should be a good idea if the AVC website will provide a space for photo of Asian volleyball stars or heroes, while Chinese Wang Leon suggested that the press checklist be provided during the inspection to the venue ahead of the actual competition. This is to ensure the nominated press delegate the complete condition ideal for his work.
All Press Committee members have promised to try their best in providing AVC necessary information not only the competitions, but also stories from development programes, courses, seminars, Volleyball Your Way and volleyball activities for kids to help keep the AVC website updated aside from attracting more viewers to increasingly gain the popularity of Asian volleyball in the near future.

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