Wednesday 13 January 2016

Derakhshandeh named Chairman of League Organization in Iran Volleyball Federation

FACE5531 (Custom)

 Following resignation of Manoucher Pourhasan from his position, Saeed Derakhshandeh, director of International events, becomes chairman of the League Organization in Iran volleyball federation.
In his speech, Dr M.R. Davarzani, president of the Iran Volleyball Federation  said: “For several times Mr. Pourhasan had requested his resignation, we were not agreeing with his decision. However, when considering his hard work as well as his mental and physical conditions since his health is more important, this time we agreed to his resignation.
“Therefore, Mr. Saeed Derakhshandeh, who currently serves as Director of the International Events Committee and has a lot of experience in holding the international tournaments, normally each year FIVB nominates him as observer and responsible for holding the international competitions, we appointed him as Chairman of the League Organization. We want to bring our national competitions more closely to the international standards.”
He added: “Pourhasan was tired. We then allowed him to take a temporary break. Certainly in the future and during other opportunities we still ask for his assistance because he is a very experienced person. In terms of Mr Derakhshandeh, he has experience and sufficient skills to accept this responsibility. At the recent World Cup tournament, he served as an observer.
Meanwhile, Saeed Derakhshandeh said: “Mr. Pourhasan has dedicated his life for hard work in the league Organization. During his working term, the league of Iran volleyball has got noticeable improvements.  Credits of this success go to Mr Pourhasan.”
Pourhasan said:” Form sometimes ago I wanted to reduce my responsibility.  Management of the League Organisation is a very difficult task. It demands a lot of energy. I had given my service in this post for seven years for competitions of volleyball league in different situations. Just today, I had to work from 7am till the sunset. This situation has caused problems to my health. For a while I feel that physically I feel uncomfortable. Pain starts to take its toll at  my joints. I went to see the doctor and he advised me to take more rest, do exercises and reduce sitting for a long time. That’s why I asked to reduce my responsibility and keep a low profile.”

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